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Our Expertise at
your Service

Health promotion services are dedicated to assisting all clients to overcome challenges in their everyday lives, we are committed to being sympathetic, approachable and confident. 

A woman hugging a disable child

We believe in Quality care

You decide we provide

Our Mission

Health promotion services are dedicated to assisting all clients to overcome challenges in their everyday lives, we are committed to being sympathetic, approachable and confident. 

Our Vision:

Our vision is to empower people living with disability to enjoy a quality of life and provide support during their journey to achieve their goals.

Our Values:

We believe in integrity, respect, excellence, collaboration and innovation.

Our Team

In our team, we have experienced registered nurses, enrolled nurses and support workers. We also work collaboratively with allied health teams to set up a program that will support participants for long-term success. Health promotion services also work with NDIS registered Behaviour Support Practitioner 


We believe in Quality care

What We Offer


Employment/development of life skills

Our assessments assist us to identify your strength and goals. The health promotion team will assist in matching your abilities and skills finding employment and helping you achieve your life goals and promoting independence.

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Travel/Transport/ Escort Services

Health promotion services provide registered vehicles to assist in travel and assist in booking transport for your needs to promote independence.




To ensure the safety and health of our clients, we offer help with daily living tasks such as cleaning, cooking, and gardening services.



Whether you’re after interim or ongoing accommodation, we take the time to understand your unique wants and needs. We’ll help you find the right accommodation and support to live well and independently.
Health promotion services have expert housing coaches and dedicated workers to promote independence through individual living options / shared living 

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Community participation

We recognize the significance of feeling connected to the community. Therefore, we prioritize providing you with the necessary support when you want to go out and be a part of the community. Our support personnel can offer one-on-one assistance, accompany you to join larger groups of people, or help you connect with individuals who share similar hobbies or interests.




Palliative care is best at home when a loved one reaches where invasive treatment is no longer possible. Health promotion services team can improve their end-of-life experience and help them in their familiar, home environment.


We believe in Quality care

You Decide We Provide

Health promotion services believe in supporting participants to lead their own care and value their rights. Promoting skills, abilities and knowledge to control their own lives.



Looking for care that value your opinion


Assisting to acheive life goals


We talk to your care coordinator


We take action


We let you know the outcome

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